About me
Thanks for visiting this site! My name is Matt. I am the creator and content writer of History with Legs. I am a born and bred Nebraskan and currently live in Lincoln. I am married with two kids and a Jack Russell Terrier named Cocoa.
I graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a bachelor’s degree in history. All history fascinates me, but I have a particular interest in the American Revolution and World War II eras. Although I have a history degree, I am not a historian, nor do I claim to be an expert in the subject. I am what you might call a history enthusiast.
About this blog
It all started in January 2024. I listened to a podcast where the guest (can’t remember his name) explained that true satisfaction in your work is achieved when you make your calling your job. He said you do this by combining your passion with your talent. Although I was not in the market for a change of career, it did get my brain churning. What are my passions? What am I good at?
The passion part was not so difficult. In addition to the three Fs (faith, family, friends) I love history, travel, and sports. Figuring out my talent wasn’t as clear-cut. Going back to that podcast, I remembered the guest saying if you struggled with identifying your talent, just ask those who know you best what they think. Brilliant! I took this advice and realized my talent is an aptitude for strong writing.
It all clicked. I should write a blog about history and travel. Thus, the idea for History with Legs was born. A few weeks full of late nights later, the website was up and I published my first post.
There is so much to learn from history. When we find ways to connect with history, it becomes much more interesting. The best way to make this connection is to experience it in person by physically visiting historical places. My goal with each post on History with Legs is to motivate you to learn about and ultimately visit the history that is everywhere you go.