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An Ode to the USS Constitution

The USS Constitution, affectionately known as Old Ironsides, first appeared on my radar when researching the Battle of New Orleans. When I discovered the Constitution is still in service and harbored in Boston, I became determined to visit on our summer vacation there. She became the highlight of the trip.

The below ode to this beautiful American treasure is historically accurate to the best of my knowledge thanks in large part to the USS Constitution Museum. Please note words such as “first” and “next” are meant in the context of this poem, not the ship’s service as a whole. I hope you enjoy.

Old Ironsides

O, hail ye Old Ironsides,

Your three masts towering in the clear sky.

O, how beautiful this frigate,

With her hull cutting water like a knife.

Since seventeen ninety-seven,

Your sails have blessed so our coasts and seas.

To battle, teach, or to protect,

You have provided what your country needs.

Your first mission was the pirates,

With treasure and bounty in their crosshairs.

They attacked and looted our ships,

Leaving our sea farers caught unawares.

‘Twas from Barbary they hailed,

Our nation’s sovereignty they respect not.

‘Til your guns roar on Tripoli,

To defend our freedom your sailors sought.

Then came back the British redcoats,

In the war of eighteen hundred and twelve.

As they burn down our capitol,

Our independence the Britons near shelve.

The Royal Navy unrivaled,

Seeks to consume our ships like a lion.

But cannonballs bounce off your sides,

O, “Huzzah! Her sides are made of iron!”

Your next objective the slave trade,

The Africa Squadron you were flagship.

To end these evil practices,

We bade you not let these vessels slip.

Intercept the Gambrill you did,

Suspect its cargo will consist of men.

Then when the cook revealed the truth,

No human souls would the ship import in.

Since then you’ve had many faces,

Such as training our Navy’s new cadets.

But whatever your country asks,

You oblige without harboring regrets.

As America’s Ship of State,

You sail from Charlestown Navy Yard.

Through the years and years of service,

Old Ironsides how you captured our hearts.

One response to “An Ode to the USS Constitution”

  1. Absolutely great. I love the history and the fact that she is still in service is incredible. Keep it up.