You Don’t Know Jack: A Trip to the JFK Library
And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. – John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) only served as President of the United States (POTUS) for a short time. However, it is without a doubt that he left a lasting impact…
The Freedom Trail: A Great Way to Exercise Your Body and Mind
Hello, dear readers. I hope this post finds you doing well during this last day of 2024. I was driving to the gym yesterday when I saw two guys running down the street. In the rain…in December…in Nebraska. That’s dedication. I’ll take my climate-controlled gym, thank you very much. I need to do things that…
You’re Invited to the Boston Tea Party
Hello all. It is Christmas time. A time for decorating the house with holiday cheer. To gather with friends and family in merriment. It is a time for parties where we wear our favorite ugly Christmas sweater and partake in a glass of eggnog. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Exactly 251 years…
Visit Plymouth for the OG Thanksgiving
Well friends. Another Thanksgiving is upon us. This Thursday brings us the three Fs. Family, food, and football! What a great day to be an American. We all know the depictions of the first Thanksgiving and a version of the story that is more or less all the same. Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe come…
The Salem Witch Trials and the Power of Fear
Is there anything that says Halloween better than a witch? If not the top, a witch is definitely on the Mount Rushmore of Halloween characters. Throw on a werewolf, Dracula, and Frankenstein’s monster and there you go! Now I want you to stop, close your eyes, and picture a witch. Once you open your eyes,…
An Ode to the USS Constitution
The USS Constitution, affectionately known as Old Ironsides, first appeared on my radar when researching the Battle of New Orleans. When I discovered the Constitution is still in service and harbored in Boston, I became determined to visit on our summer vacation there. She became the highlight of the trip. The below ode to this…
Harvard vs Oxford: The Battle for More Prestigious School
I had the privilege of visiting the University of Oxford last summer on our UK trip. This summer, I was able to visit Harvard University on our trip to Boston. We took student-led tours of each. These are two of the most prestigious universities on the planet and touring them you get that feeling. Considering…
The Great Molasses Flood of 1919: A Horror Story
Boston – January 15, 1919 After several days of typical frigid weather, Bostonians awake to an unseasonably warm day, reaching a high of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The good people of Boston make their way to work and school basking in the break in the weather. Those living and working in Boston’s North End neighborhood pass…
Ye Old Boston: The Home of Firsts and Oldests
Boston is old. How old exactly? The Town of Boston was formed in 1630. Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise then that Boston and the surrounding communities are the home of many of the country’s “firsts” and “oldests.” In this post, let’s focus on some of these things you can actually visit while in…
How Well Do You Know the Revolution?: A Timeline
On July 4th, 2020, Hamilton was released on Disney+. In a summer with not much to do, it became the big event in our household as it did with many others. My musical-loving kids memorized every song. It was basically all we heard for the next six months! Hamilton obviously rates high on entertainment value,…