Today is the 1st anniversary of History with Legs! Actually, the first post took place on February 29, 2024. So technically speaking, this is the 1/4-anniversay. Just imagine me saying this with the voice of the nerdy scientist from The Simpsons.

The first year was a lot of fun. It included trips to Arkansas, Boston, Wisconsin, two trips to New Orleans, as well as some sites in Nebraska. We’ve learned about battle sites, museums, and much more history.
I’ve always enjoyed learning about history when I travel, but doing this blog has given me a very different perspective. It is much easier to be curious and ask questions of tour guides, park rangers, and museum staff when your goal is to pass on this information to others. I hope reading the posts have made you more curious too. There is a lot more to understand about history than what is taught in school. I am more convinced than ever that visiting places of historical value is an irreplaceable avenue to understanding. It becomes a life experience rather than just a page in book.
I thought about spending some time in this post explaining more about exactly how and why I started HwL. Instead, I opted for updating the About page. Please check it out if you want to know how in a few short weeks listening to a podcast about doing what you love became this blog.
What’s upcoming this year
We’ve got one big trip planned for 2025 that will happen this spring. It is part of a tour group. I took a look at the itinerary and I am stoked about where we are visiting. I’ll make the big reveal later on!
Other than that, we have more local visits in the works too. Plus, there are still so many posts I’ve started and need to finish. If only this could be my day job…or a job at all. Angel investors, I’m talking to you.
My Thanks
In the end, this blog is just a hobby…an expensive one at that. Though a hobby, it does require quite a bit of work. This was especially true to get it up and running. Therefore, I think some thanks are in order for those who put up with me.
First of all, thanks to my wife for being my number one supporter. There’s been times over the last year where I asked why I was even doing this. She’s always there to remind to keep going even when I am doubting myself.
My son, thanks for humoring me with visits to Civil War battle sites even though we are both tired and should just be going home. It means a lot.
And thanks to my daughter. When there has been a post that seems especially polished, it’s because she has plied her incredible language skills to edit it.
Lastly, thanks to everyone who reads. I truly hope it is of benefit to you. Please let me know if there is anything you’d like to see added to HwL in the future and I’ll do my best to do so.
That just about does it for this post. Here’s to an even better second year of HwL.! Until the next one,