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Commemorating the Battle of New Orleans: A Totally Normal Trip

Have you ever done something that makes total sense to you, but everyone else seems to think it is odd? I came across this article from the Metro in the UK titled 30 things Americans consider normal but no one else really understands. Some of them are quite funny. Why do we still use the imperial system? I am not sure, but don’t want it to change. What’s up with eating dessert for breakfast? Don’t judge me; I just like it.

I think my weird thing is going to New Orleans to attend the commemoration of the Battle of New Orleans. It made perfect sense to me, but most people found it…interesting. Even the park staff didn’t believe I planned a trip from Nebraska for the planned activities. Why would he come from Nebraska for an event only about 100 people are attending? My response: Why not?

What is the Battle of new orleans again?

This is going to be a very oversimplified version of the story. During the War of 1812, the British wanted to capture New Orleans from the US, as it would allow them to control the Mississippi River and thus all of its trade. The US would also be cut off from its territory gained under the Louisiana Purchase, which was about half of its land mass. Seeing this threat, Andrew Jackson was sent to defend the city against the inevitable attack from the British.

Jackson had a huge task on his hands, all while battling a severe case of dysentery. He had to cobble together a defense with a ragtag group of US Army regulars, Louisiana state militia (white and free men of color), Tennessee volunteers, Kentucky riflemen, Creole businessmen, enslaved persons, and Choctaw Indians. He gained invaluable assistance from legendary figure Jean Laffite and his Baratarian privateers (aka pirates). Laffite was initially approached by the British and stalled for time in order to send off a warning to New Orleans, but chose to side with the Americans.

Their opponent was the most powerful military on the face of the earth, as it was made up of professional soldiers, including the vaunted 93rd Highlanders. On paper, it didn’t appear that Jackson had a chance. But battles aren’t won on paper. On January 8, 1815, in true underdog fashion fit for Hollywood, the defenders of New Orleans not only won the battle but also completely thrashed the seemingly superior British forces. It served as the last major engagement EVER between the two countries. It further delivered a warning to Europe that these United States are not the group of backwoods former colonists they were perceived to be.

What about the commemoration?

Now on to the actual day. The big event was the wreath laying ceremony. The flag presentation saw Old Glory and the Union Jack flown together and both national anthems played. Pretty cool. A bunch of representatives of different organizations then spoke about the impact of the battle. The representatives of groups who participated in the battle and the defense of New Orleans then laid wreaths in front of the battle monument.

Marines preparing to play the National Anthem

Once the wreath laying ceremony ended, much of the crowd left to go about their day. This provided a chance for me to speak with those who remained. I had a conversation with a couple who were main sponsors of the ceremony. One of them, Lisa, was very impressed I made the trip from Nebraska though I am sure she also found it odd. We had a very nice conversation, and she even came back later to give me a cool War of 1812 bag from a luncheon she attended. Very nice of her!

Presentation of the Wreaths

I also chatted with several in-costume volunteers, including a gentleman who came from New York to play the bagpipes and represent the 93rd Highlanders. He gave me some good intel on a big War of 1812 reenactment occurring in Mississinewa, Indiana every October. Sounds like another HwL trip!

were there any sports demonstrations?

That is a very specific question, but yes, there was a demonstration of cricket. This is one sport I’ve never quite understood. All I’ve been able to gather is it is a bit like baseball. Apparently, that was the sport played in America in 1815. Who knew?

Matt at bat in cricket demonstration

With the help of the instructor, Tom, I learned it is actually a very simple game to pick up and quite a bit of fun. In no time, I was batting and bowling. It’s a nice departure from its much more complicated relative baseball. Before long, Tom enlisted me to help teach the game to others. It was an unexpected yet welcome addition to my visit. If anyone who knows where to find cricket on TV, please reach out!

a walk about the park

After working up a sweat playing cricket, a nice stroll around the battlefield was in order. The Chalmette Battlefield is actually a part of Jean Laffite National Historical Park and Preserve and contains a reconstruction of the American ramparts, cannons and all. A 1.25-mile loop trail takes you around the park with information about the battle along the way. At about the halfway point, visitors find the entry to Chalmette National Cemetery where participants from the War of 1812, Civil War, and Vietnam War are laid to rest. The cemetery is a great setting to reflect on the cost of war, while the battlefield walk is an opportunity to picture what the battle must’ve been like.

firing of the cannon and weapons demonstration

Once my walk was about finished, the last events of the day were about to start. Although there is no longer a battle reenactment, Chalmette still does have a couple of reenactment-like demonstrations. The first is the firing of a cannon. Yes, those cannons lined up along the rampart are functioning. I don’t think the video below captures the sound well, but it is loud. As someone that has never been in combat, I can only imagine what hearing the cannonade for hours on end sounded and felt like. That’s not even considering the cannons firing back at you!

Cannon Firing

The park staff and volunteers then demonstrated the use of muskets (at least, I believe they were muskets). The weapons of battle at that time were either muskets or rifles. The Americans used both while the British, finding rifles inferior, only deployed muskets. I did a little reading on a comparison of the two and each had their strengths and weaknesses. However, the strengths of the rifle were highlighted based on the conditions of Chalmette Battlefield and thus provided an advantage to the Americans. It is not the best video, but you gun experts tell me if you know which weapon this is below!

Weapons Demonstration
being okay with not being normal

That about sums up a day at Chalmette Battlefield commemorating the Battle of New Orleans. I met some interesting people, got some free stuff, saw a cannon fired, and even learned a new sport. I also got the chance to give away a few business cards. Not that I consider HwL a business. It just helps give credibility to what I’m doing if I can show people my information. Besides, businesses have to generate income, and HwL definitely doesn’t do that. The first person that got a card gave it straight back, so things got off to a great start!

So, is it a bit weird I planned a whole trip around this event? Yes, probably. But I enjoyed it and, as you’ll find out in future posts, it led to a lot of other fun experiences. Do you have something you really want to do, but have been told it is weird? I say be okay with not being normal…unless it is going to get you in trouble!

Check out the growing posts about New Orleans to find out the history waiting for you.

2 responses to “Commemorating the Battle of New Orleans: A Totally Normal Trip”

  1. It seems to me that the battle at New Orleans would make a great movie if that has not already been done. Very well written blog.