History with Legs: Experience History Through Travel

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Shipping Out to Boston and Adding a Categories Page

Hey there everyone! I have a short post for you today. We haven’t had one for a couple of weeks because my family and I were on our annual summer vacation. As you can probably guess by the title, our destination was Boston!

Boston is ripe full of history. I had never been so was excited about finally making it to Beantown. It didn’t disappoint.

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do my homework going into the trip. However, Boston still provided some history surprises. I’m excited to share all the things related to history you can do when you visit Boston.

The Boston series is going to look a bit different than the New Orleans and London ones. Speaking of London, we are not done with the British capital quite yet. There will be a post or two sprinkled between the Boston posts.

In other news, History with Legs now has a categories page! You can click on Categories in the menu to find all the posts in said category. For the most part, they will be by location. This makes it easier for you to find other posts like You’re Invited to the Boston Tea Party.

I’ve started working on several posts and should have one out in the next few days. Until then, cheers!