History with Legs: Experience History Through Travel

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Tag: Historical Sites

  • Your Ultimate Guide to an Overnight Paris Adventure from London

    Your Ultimate Guide to an Overnight Paris Adventure from London

    “Do you want to take an overnight trip to Paris?” This is the question I asked my wife when planning our trip to the United Kingdom. Her response was a look of “What are in the world are you talking about?”. With so much of England and Scotland already crammed into our itinerary, how could…

  • Commemorating the Battle of New Orleans: A Totally Normal Trip

    Commemorating the Battle of New Orleans: A Totally Normal Trip

    Rampart at Chalmette Battlefield

  • When I Go Back to New Orleans…Revisted

    When I Go Back to New Orleans…Revisted

    Hey all. I am home after a trip back to New Orleans. The actual travel was a bit rough (I didn’t board any of my original flights), but all-in-all everything went as well as one could hope. For those reading this blog for the first time, my family and I just went to New Orleans…

  • Heading Back to New Orleans with Mixed Feelings

    Heading Back to New Orleans with Mixed Feelings

    Hey all. My plan for today was to announce I am heading back to New Orleans for the Battle of New Orleans commemoration next week. Though I still plan to go, that exciting announcement now comes with mixed feelings considering the attack that occurred in the city early this morning. The hotel I booked is…

  • The Freedom Trail: A Great Way to Exercise Your Body and Mind

    The Freedom Trail: A Great Way to Exercise Your Body and Mind

    Hello, dear readers. I hope this post finds you doing well during this last day of 2024. I was driving to the gym yesterday when I saw two guys running down the street. In the rain…in December…in Nebraska. That’s dedication. I’ll take my climate-controlled gym, thank you very much. I need to do things that…

  • All I Want for Christmas is the Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt

    All I Want for Christmas is the Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt

    Hallo Freunde. Several years ago, I spoke to a couple that just returned from Germany. I found it weird they traveled there in December. Isn’t it too cold? It turns out they went to experience the world-renowned Christmas markets. I had never heard of these before but it only took a 5-minute conversation to convince…

  • Leaving London: Great Ideas for Excursions Outside the City

    Leaving London: Great Ideas for Excursions Outside the City

    Hello, dear readers. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a post about London so let’s rectify that. The city has so much to offer, making it easy to fill an entire vacation itinerary. But just because it is unnecessary to leave the city, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. There are loads of things to do outside…

  • Visit Plymouth for the OG Thanksgiving

    Visit Plymouth for the OG Thanksgiving

    Well friends. Another Thanksgiving is upon us. This Thursday brings us the three Fs. Family, food, and football! What a great day to be an American. We all know the depictions of the first Thanksgiving and a version of the story that is more or less all the same. Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe come…

  • The Salem Witch Trials and the Power of Fear

    The Salem Witch Trials and the Power of Fear

    Is there anything that says Halloween better than a witch? If not the top, a witch is definitely on the Mount Rushmore of Halloween characters. Throw on a werewolf, Dracula, and Frankenstein’s monster and there you go! Now I want you to stop, close your eyes, and picture a witch. Once you open your eyes,…

  • Harvard vs Oxford: The Battle for More Prestigious School

    Harvard vs Oxford: The Battle for More Prestigious School

    I had the privilege of visiting the University of Oxford last summer on our UK trip. This summer, I was able to visit Harvard University on our trip to Boston. We took student-led tours of each. These are two of the most prestigious universities on the planet and touring them you get that feeling. Considering…